Monday, January 9, 2012

The First Weekend as a Married Woman

This first weekend as a married woman was (not surprisingly) hardly different than any other weekend with Javier, except my mom was visiting, and Javier and I have new titles.

The only other differences were culinary in nature.  Amusingly, I was practically retro-domestic: an apron was involved and two batches of cookies were made. Also, I had my first cuisine disasters since we moved to Ohio. Hopefully these food failures aren't symbolic of our married life together.

The first disaster was with Saturday night's dinner.  After a long, heady production of prep work, the Zanzibar "pizzas" (ground turkey, onions, cabbage, eggs, and spices wrapped in fried spiced dough) I made failed miserably.  Javier and my mom graciously each ate one, but I was sad and grumpy. Luckily, my mom and I had also made a mushroom and Manchego salad, and the papaya ketchup we made to accompany the pizzas was delicious.

Burned, yet Uncooked, Zanzibar Pizzas/Yummy Salad and Ketchup

The second disaster was in an attempt to make beer yesterday afternoon. After preparing the sink for a sanitation station, lining up all the equipment, buying ice, and roasting chestnuts for the ale, my mental preparation was lacking.  A true brew novice, I threw in the yeast along with the malt because the touchy thermometer was reading sky-high and I become careless and frantic.  This sent me into a deep, five minute depression, but I rallied, buried the mash in the garden, and took Paco for walk with Javier.

Failed Brew

Culinary success came with the cookies, and they were inspired my my mom's wedding gift for us: a thoughtful--but hilarious--hand-made cookie jar with a dog glazed on it.

Javier reaping the benefits of having a wife that likes baking

Cornmeal Icebox Cookies

An Unfortunate Photo: Chocolate Snaps, Not Dog Poop

Courthouse Marriage
"You look badass"-M.G. Maloney

The Mom and Me


M.G. Maloney said...

Ha! Your first weekend of marriage sounds like a sitcom. Keep cooking! Also - I love the "not dog poop" photo.

I'm curious what the apron looks like...


Ms. Morgan said...

Oh April. I totally feel for you. When I have a kitchen disaster it doesn't matter how much other people try to make me feel better I want nothing to do with it. I can't tell you how many batches of cookies, or soups or whatever I've wanted to just throw away because they didn't come out the way I was hoping.

Congrats on your first weekend as a Married Woman. They'll just get better from here. :)