Friday, August 2, 2013

Cross Country Camping (and Cabin): Part Une

I'll be honest: the first stretch of our cross-country trip was exhausting. It's tough to set up camp and then take it down in 15 hours or less, especially after a long day of driving.  Plus with extreme heat, lots of mosquitoes, and surprising sources of stress (Paco shivering from fright on curvy mountain roads, spotting a black bear a couple miles from the cabin in Montana, yellow jackets infesting our campsite in eastern Washington, tempers flaring, etc.) I arrived in Portland dirty, tired, full of bug bites, extra freckles, and chapped lips that remained a lovely (but painful) deep red color until I finally was able to recover from my dehydration days later.

That being said, there were some lovey moments on the trip. Lola turned out to be a champion car-dog as she would nap or stare out the window. We got faster at packing up camp in the morning and we made some delicious food even for being prepared on a one-burner propane stove. We saw beautiful scenery, witnessed a bison and the full moon in Theodore Roosevelt National Park, and had lunch with Jessie and Dori at a state park in Wisconsin as we crossed paths going in opposite directions across the country.

The surprisingly pleasant little enclave campsite at Minneapolis' NW KOA
More beauty at Teddy Roosevelt
Bison at Teddy Roosevelt

Lovely, semi-secluded campsite in Teddy Roosevelt National Park

Badland-esque geological features at Teddy Roosevelt

Action shot of Lola at the Little Missouri River near our campsite in Teddy Roosevelt National Park

The hunting cabin in Montana

A man and his campfire breakfast

The view from the cabin in Montana: our car, corraled

Lola and I hiding from what I thought was my second bear sighting of the day

The "bear" turned out to be a herd of cattle. We were surrounded by cattle.

This place is hell. Too many mosquitoes and yellow jackets. Get me out of here. -in Liberty Lake, WA

Jessie and Dori in WI

The gals do  lunch

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